Monday, March 26, 2012

The Healthcare Debate

Oral arguments about the constitutionality of the individual healthcare mandate are being heard by the Supreme Court this week. The administration argues that the mandate is not severable from the law's other provisions which contravenes the Supreme Court's natural inclination to favor severability, meaning that if one part of the law is struck down, the rest of it remains intact. This is a risky "all or nothing" proposition because proponents for the law would probably rather see the rest of the law survive if it is ruled that the mandate is unconstitutional. However the question remains whether or not one provision can be excised from the law without making the entire thing untenable. 

Hilary Clinton- Charitable Feats

Hilary Clinton has played a large role in empowering women all over the world to make a difference. Dedicated to challenging the status quo and affording the less fortunate equal opportunities, she supports several charities and humanitarian causes including: American India FoundationClinton FoundationClinton Global Initiative, Friends of the High LineHeifer International, HELP USAHuman Rights CampaignIt Gets Better ProjectMy Good DeedStop Global WarmingThe Trevor ProjectUS Doctors for Africa, and Vital Voices.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Oil Prices

According to several sources and the US Energy Department, the US is drilling more oil domestically. Our oil exports have exceeded our oil imports for the first time since 1949, and we have more oil and natural gas drilling rigs than in any other part of the world. So why are gas prices reaching record highs? Many argue that our impending crisis with Iran is contributing to the rise in oil and it could get worse if matters escalate, but if we are producing so much domestically why should Iran make a difference? 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

We all want to be Heart Disease and Cancer FREE?

How do you feel about including the following foods in your eating routine: almonds, olive oil, steamed asparagus, oatmeal, beans, blueberries, red tomato sauce, avocado, dark chocolate, orange juice, mushrooms, onions and green vegetables everyday or at least 5 days a week?  Let us know how you feel after eating these foods for three months? Do not smoke and cut down on salt intake. WHEN YOU ARE HEALTHY AND HAPPY...YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Check with your doctor before starting any new routines in eating and exercising. Let's work TOGETHER for good health!