Sunday, September 29, 2013

Looming Government Shut Down and the Future of Obamacare

It seems Republicans and Democrats are at a standstill over the future of Obamacare, and a government shut down is likely this Monday at midnight unless one side capitulates.

Early today, House Republicans refused to pass a spending budget, which would raise the debt ceiling, unless Obamacare was defunded for at least a year. The vote also included a repeal of a tax on medical devices. Without any signs of compromise from Democrats, Republicans must decide whether they will allow a clean spending bill to pass without any measures impeding the implementation of Obamacare or watch government agencies and programs close for the first time in 17 years.

Regardless of a government shutdown; however, the new health insurance exchanges are still scheduled to open for business Tuesday because many aspects of the Affordable Care Act aren’t funded through Congressional appropriations. Plus, even in the unlikely event that a spending bill defunding Obamacare passes the Democratic majority senate, President Obama has threatened to veto it. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Is our USA becoming too polarized by various groups? The number of minorities is increasing. Republicans and Democrats disagree among themselves on many issues. Relationships with foreign nations are becoming more complicated. Many countries have weapons of mass destruction which greatly increases the threat of war. The world's population has become more mobile and borders between countries are more porous than ever further increasing chances for hostility.

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Truth on High Fructose Corn Syrup

There is a huge debate over whether High Fructose Corn Syrup is less healthy than naturally occurring sucrose found in cane sugar and sugar beets. HFCS has become a very popular less expensive alternative to cane sugar due to the US-imposed tariff on imported sugar, production quotas on domestic sugar, and government corn subsidies and is found in many popular items such as sweetened cereal, jam, ketchup, mayonnaise, bread, soda, and pastries. The media and even the health care industry have been trying to convince us that HFCS is relatively the same as naturally occurring sucrose and is no less healthy. However, while too much sugar in general is not healthy, there is evidence that shows that HFCS may be even more detrimental.

 According to a Princeton University study, rats with the same overall caloric intake gained significantly more weight when consuming high-fructose corn syrup than when consuming table sugar. The study didn't really give a definitive explanation for this; however it may be due to the slightly greater proportion of fructose in HFCS. Fructose is much sweeter than glucose, and unlike glucose, which can be used for energy, converted into triglycerides, or stored as fat, fructose seems to turn directly to fat. 

While high fructose corn syrup and naturally occurring sucrose both consist of the same two sugar molecules, fructose and glucose, their content ratio and metabolism are different. The molecules in high fructose corn syrup are unbound and come in a ratio of 55-41, fructose to glucose (plus 4% other sugars). Cane sugar or beet sugar is made of a 50-50 ratio of fructose to glucose, which are tightly bound. Because they are tightly bound, the enzymes in your digestive tract must break down the sucrose into fructose and glucose, which are then absorbed into the body. Because the fructose and glucose in high fructose corn syrup are not chemically bound, they are more rapidly absorbed by your blood stream. Fructose goes straight to the liver and causes lipogenesis, the production of fats like triglycerides and cholesterol. This can cause liver damage and a condition known as fatty liver. Fructose depletes ATP, our body's energy source for important cellular processes. ATP depletion may increase risk for inflammation in the liver, which promotes all kinds of conditions such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, dementia, and premature aging. The liver protects itself by producing Uric Acid, which can lead to grout, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and uric acid stones, a form of kidney stones.

 HFCS also has been found to contain contaminants like Mercury because of chlor-alkali products used in its manufacturing. Other strange chemicals have been discovered in testing that are not glucose or fructose.

So the key is moderation. All sugar in excess can be harmful to your health, regardless of whether it’s cane sugar or HFCS. Studies show that HFCS is processed by our bodies differently and with its higher concentration of fructose, it’s better to keep intake at a minimum.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Pres. Obama's RED LINE COMMENT requires some action regarding Syria. Russia, China and Iran back Assad. The question is "What action should the US take, if any?" The US is pretty much committed to taking some action based on comments from Pres. Obama, John Kerry, John McCain, etc. This could range from a shot across the bow to continued bombing of Syria to destroy their military capabilities and infrastructure. Boots on the ground IS NOT an option. Missiles could be sent to destroy Syria's chemical plants and reserves. The US could also bomb Syria's airplanes, airports and runways in order to nullify Syria's air force potential. In the event that Syria retaliates against Israel for any US action, this country should be prepared to intervene on behalf of the Israeli people.

The US could also take no action against Syria since this is a civil war involving Assad and other factions which may include elements of Al Qaeda.

In the event of a regime change, who would really benefit? Bear in mind the fact that certain elements of the rebels fighting Assad are linked to Al Qaeda. Also recall that Libya is now controlled by Al Qaeda affiliated groups.