Monday, July 25, 2011


According to News Medical published February 13, 2008, Dr Alan Rogol described before The US House of Representitives Government Reform Committee the serious health risks surrounding use of HGH when not prescribed as a health necessity.

Some athletes and others who take this hormone, hoping to beat the aging process, do great harm to their bodies. Among other diseases and conditions, high levels of HGH can cause Acromegaly, which can lead to severe muscle weakness and heart disease. Many steroid compounds are sold as HGH in pill form, which have been found to promote the growth of tumors. Growth Hormone made from human tissue has largely been removed from the market because it can cause the fatal disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ronald McDonald

Is Ronald McDonald contributing to childhood obesity? Is McDonald's being judged too harshly for it's menu of Happy Meals as well as low-fat, low-calorie meals, and would a nanny state which dictates what we should or should not eat infringe too greatly on our personal freedom.

High School Dropouts

According to published reports, about 30 percent of America's public school students fail to graduate high school. About 1.3M students drop out every year. This could cost the US more than $3 trillion in lost wages, productivity and taxes over the next ten years.