Monday, February 28, 2011

And The Oscar Went To...

MELISSA LEO we are so happy for you. You were fabulous in "The House Is Burning"  with Julianne Michelle also. I told you you would win this OSCAR. A couple of our friends did not win; however, they were nominated, just as good...almost!     Fantastic, Melissa, fantastic. 
 Congrats to all the winners!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Great Dilemma Facing the US and the Various States in 2012

The great dilemma facing the United States and the various states in 2012: The democratic elections, budget deficit, increased taxes, spending cuts, collective bargaining disputes, pensions, street protests, work stoppages, strikes and general turmoil.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Suggested Book of the Month: I Didn't Bargain for This! MITZI PERDUE

Mitzi Perdue enchants readers with her new autobiography "I Didn't Bargain for This!",  revealing her life of adventure as an heiress, socialite, author, artist, and philanthropist. As the daughter of Ernest Henderson, co-founder of the Sheraton Hotel chain, and the widow of Frank Perdue of Perdue Farms Chicken Company, Mitzi Perdue has led a most fascinating life, not just one of privileged frivolity, but one of abundant contribution to society in education, politics, and the arts. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011


What do you think about pilot fatigue and airline pilot crash pads?  Is flying, especially regional, risky?


Is Europe doomed to extinction because of the effects of multiculturalism, where ethnic minorities are encouraged to maintain their traditions, and the lack of integration into the overall culture of the country?
Almost 10,000 infants and toddlers are hurt in crib and playpen accidents each year; most injuries were from falls by toddlers between ages 1 and 2, old enough to try to climb out of a crib or playpen.

Smaller Government

Would term limits requiring passage of a constitutional amendment by a two-thirds majority of congress reduce spending and the size of government since newly elected and recently elected members of congress tend to vote for fiscal restraint?

In Certain Cities Where Women Far Outnumber Men Some "Men" are Taking Advantage of Women

If you know a man over age 21 who does not know how to treat a woman, and you believe he is either a fool or extremely selfish, please let us know. The irresponsible, self-centered man seems to be a growing problem in certain areas of the US. We would enjoy hearing your story and comments. Should we give special attention to moms with sons?

 If your guy is a true gentleman, who knows how to love a woman more than he loves himself, tell us about him!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tiger Woods

At age 35 with his marriage ended, following extramarital affairs, can Tiger Woods once again ascend to the role of No.1 golfer in the world?

Friday, February 11, 2011

What is the Muslim Brotherhood and Where Does America Stand?

Will The Muslim Brotherhood make Egypt another Iran?

 Director of National Intelligence James Clapper assures us that there is nothing to worry about if The Muslim Brotherhood takes over rule in Egypt and claims that the organization is largely secular, has denounced Al Qaeda, and rejects violence.  

Interestingly enough, The BBC News Middle East section now removed its flattering profile of the organization which described it as non-violent and pro-democratic. 

What do you think? Should we take our government's word for it or should we be concerned? 

The Di Palma Forum takes a non-partisan stance on all issues and does not support any agenda. We just strive to deliver the facts from reputable news sources and elicit discussion. 


Joy Di Palma showing us some fab moves to improve your body and spirit!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011



First Lady, Michelle Obama, is trying to force restaurants to reduce portions. Voices from both sides of the aisle are upset about this. Does she have the right to do this and would it benefit anyone other than the restaurants who can skimp on food and charge the same prices?

Andrea Mitchell on Meet the Press this week said Republicans are trying to take advantage of Ronald Reagan on his 100th Birthday to push conservative politics.

Too old to drive?- Should their be an age limit on driving? An 83 year old man was driving a pickup truck the wrong way going 90mph on the interstate 5 freeway in Southern California. He crashed into a steel barrier and caused a five car pile up. Miraculously no one was hurt! 

Thank you UNLV

We thank everyone at UNLV for their dedication and professionalism. UNLV has an exquisite campus, offering vast resources and opportunity for its students. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Las Vegas is a major hub for the sexual trafficking of children in the US where more than 400 prostituted children were identified on the streets during a single month in 2007.

Infrastructure: a sound investment? 
$400 billion is available for investment from all over the world. Private entities from around the world could build roads and bridges in the US and earn profits on their investments by charging fees to users in the form of tolls. The infrastructure that delivers water to the nation's cities is aging and in need of repair. Utilities will need to invest more than $300 billion over the next 2 decades on repairs and improvement to drinking water systems. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Social Media

As discussed on our show, social media has pervaded the political apparatus around the world. President Obama galvanized an effective campaign employing the use of twitter, facebook, and text messaging to mobilize supporters. Now we see it as an everyday part of foreign policy and political strategy.  Civilians in Egypt organized with the help of twitter and facebook to revolt against Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's authoritarian regime. The US government has been urging protesters via tweets to demonstrate peacefully. The use of social media to spread peace and democracy around the world is a positive effect of America's technological innovations.  Unfortunately there is always a flip side when it's used to disseminate hate and promote violence, which leads us to the conflict in Egypt. Which is worse:  Mubarak or the Islamist opposition group? Many fear that if the Islamist opposition group took over rule in Egypt, our only ally near Israel, our counter-terrorism efforts in that region would be threatened.
The Di Palma Forum features elements for everyone, from our eclectic celebrity panel representing both sides of the spectrum to our spotlight one-on-one interview, from our fitness and health segment to our rebel rock musical guest performance, and Berrebi on the go, our show is designed to inform and entertain- no doubt about that.

set photographer: Steve Berrebi