Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mineral Makeup

Want to cover blemishes or redness but don't want to succumb to suffocating foundation laden with harmful chemicals, preservatives, dyes, parabens, or fragrances? Try mineral makeup from natural cosmetic lines such as BareMinerals. It's lighter than traditional foundation, usually made with a sun barrier base of titanium and zinc oxides, and doesn't contain the usual suspects included in other cosmetics.

BareMinerals by Bare Escentuals

Sunday, October 16, 2011

America's Challenges

Below is a list compiled from our viewers of what many are considering to be hurdles facing the United States right now. What do you think?

1. Our addiction to foreign oil and our limits on domestic drilling.
2) The Dodd-Frank law (imposing unnecessary restrictions on financial institutions)
3) Free trade agreements w/ impoverished nations. We end up importing way more than we export and our companies outsource jobs for cheap labor.
4) Nationalization of health care. The restrictions imposed on physician owned private practices and hospitals will stifle innovation and entrepreneurship in medicine as the number of private practices decline after more people will be forced into medicaid because they cannot afford the private doctors who will only accept cash to opt out of increased insurance constraints. More and more doctors will either leave the field or move to a government controlled hospital on a tax payer funded salary and be encouraged unionize. The increased government controlled health care burdens and costs on taxpayers may pose ethical dilemmas as patient quality of life may be used to prioritize care.
5) a carbon tax  ("cap and trade").
6) Increased government regulation and burdens on the private sector, which hinder private investment.  The U.S. corporate tax rate is now the second highest among OECD countries.
7) Increased government spending and escalating debt forcing the Fed to keep interest rates artificially low, which causes commodity inflation and crowding out of private investment.
8) Overseas production and the deterioration of domestic jobs and production.
Export tax policies: Double taxation: Under our current tax law, U.S.-based multinational firms are taxed by the United States on their worldwide income, while foreign-based competitors are taxed only by the nation in which their businesses are located. This deters domestic investment and job creation, and exports.
9. Overextension of the military in expensive wars, killing off young Americans who would otherwise be working and “producing” in America.
9. Freeloaders and Government Enabling - 1 in 5 Americans rely on food stamps. That's a record high of 45.8 million Americans. Some states have expanded their definition of poverty to include more people. And the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act increased annual funding to the nationwide food stamp program (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) by $10 billion and increased the maximum food stamp benefit by 13.6%, (an additional $20-24 dollars per person per month). And now unemployment benefits have been extended to last up to 99 weeks (2 years)
10. The America Invents Act 2011- We replaced our First to Invent (FTI) system and adopted the European First to File (FTF) way. Will increase backlog because of the rushed and incomplete filings which will require more filings and fees when every improvement is made. This puts small companies and individuals at a disadvantage to large companies with in-house patent attorneys. For a country that has always been the most inventive in the world, will this change discourage innovation?
11. Education: Labor Unions: The tenure system is stifling our education, providing job security to teachers regardless of merit. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011


There is much to be said about what you eat! Ten great cancer fighting foods are:

Green Leafy Vegetables (5-6 servings each day)
Apples (eliminate the seeds)
Whole Grains
Chocolate (dark is best)
Green Tea (drink best)

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Soon after his election in 2005 Pope Benedict went to Cologne, Germany, for his first World Youth Day and addressed nearly 2.5 million young people. He inaugurated a new World Youth Day tradition of evening eucharistic adoration under the stars at an outdoor field. The theme that year was "We have come to worship Him" in honor of the relics of the three kings that are housed in Cologne's cathedral.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Alcohol and Drug abuse

Between 1992 and 2008, treatment admissions for alcohol and drug substance abuse problems more than doubled in the US for adults 50 and older and will continue to increase as the baby boom generation ages.

Toll Roads

Should states consider toll roads for private infrastructure investment, leading to faster routes for those drivers willing to pay a premium while removing cars from the crowded free routes that motorists are accustomed to driving?

Online Poker

Should the US legalize online poker and other games as a way to generate jobs and tax revenues?
Americans gamble online but they have to use offshore sites that do not benefit the US economically nor provide any protection for the participants. 

Overseas Jobs

Between 2000 and 2009, multinational corporations eliminated 2.9 million jobs in the US and added 2.4 million jobs overseas. Today, many companies have more employees overseas than in the US. 

Mouth Examinations

Examination of your mouth through regular checkups by a dentist can detect signs of heart disease, diabetes, and stress.

Motor vehicle Traffic Fatalities

Motor vehicle traffic fatalities are at the lowest level since 1949 thanks seat belts, air bags, better safety equipment in cars, and efforts to reduce DUIs. 

Red Tape

Short of full online service in starting a business, there are so many confusing state and city laws, fees, taxes, regulations and license requirements that are so costly and time consuming, they are frustrating businesses from creating jobs.


After 25 years of the 3-point shot in college basketball, the opposition has been forced to defend the 3-point line as well as the basket and the lane. 


Do homeowners' associations, (HOAs), on balance do much more good than harm?


In the 1970s about 25% of Americans who drove to work shared a ride. Today, less than 12% of all drivers carpool. 


An Opera tells a story through songs. In opera, many different art forms are interrelated such as acting, stage scenery, writing, singing, dancing, instrumental music, costumes, and lighting. In opera, there might be 40-100 instruments, usually not electronic. Opera singers must project their voice without the use of microphones, which can change the tone of their singing. 

Cost of Drugs

In a matter of months, expiring drug patents will dramatically lower the cost of even the world's best selling drugs including Lipitor and Plavix. Between now and 2016, about 255 billion dollars in global annual sales will go off patent in favor of generic versions.

Las Vegas Strip

Smut peddlers, costumed performers, unlicensed vendors, and even much publicized deaths have tarnished the image of the Las Vegas strip as a safe and entertaining venue for tourists, and is threatening the state of Nevada from an economic standpoint. 


The closing of Borders emphasizes the change in Americans' reading habits from printed books to electronic books, although printed books will still be around in some form or capacity. 

Sex Selection

Is sex selection an abuse of human rights?

Across the world, the sex ratio heavily favors boys. In China, it's 121 boys to 100 girls. The technology of ultrasound and abortion has killed more than 160 million girls in Asia alone. 

Car thefts

Las Vegas is the US city with the most car thefts. Malls and gyms are prime locations where thieves steal for getaway cars, joy rides, and stripping their parts. Older model Acuras and Hondas are typically targeted.

Good advice- lock cars, take valuables, and use alarm systems.


Are some Americans today identifying less with religion than in the past:
Are there fewer members of congregations, less confidence in religious leaders, and a reluctancy to be included in a specific religion or faith?


Is chocolate good for you?
Yes and No.
Chocolate can lower the risk of heart disease and stroke, but too much can result in weight gain which can strain the heart and cause diabetes. It's best to eat chocolate in moderation and a regular manner.

Commercial Aviation

Is automation contributing to accidents caused by pilot error?

Monday, August 29, 2011



Thursday, August 25, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011


According to News Medical published February 13, 2008, Dr Alan Rogol described before The US House of Representitives Government Reform Committee the serious health risks surrounding use of HGH when not prescribed as a health necessity.

Some athletes and others who take this hormone, hoping to beat the aging process, do great harm to their bodies. Among other diseases and conditions, high levels of HGH can cause Acromegaly, which can lead to severe muscle weakness and heart disease. Many steroid compounds are sold as HGH in pill form, which have been found to promote the growth of tumors. Growth Hormone made from human tissue has largely been removed from the market because it can cause the fatal disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ronald McDonald

Is Ronald McDonald contributing to childhood obesity? Is McDonald's being judged too harshly for it's menu of Happy Meals as well as low-fat, low-calorie meals, and would a nanny state which dictates what we should or should not eat infringe too greatly on our personal freedom.

High School Dropouts

According to published reports, about 30 percent of America's public school students fail to graduate high school. About 1.3M students drop out every year. This could cost the US more than $3 trillion in lost wages, productivity and taxes over the next ten years.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

20-something, The Odyssey Years

If you are 20-something today, you are in the so-called Odyssey Years, a time of wandering on a path to maturity. Parents are increasingly concerned and interested in the health and lifestyles of their 20-30 year old children.  Many in this group seem to be less mature and more self-centered than those decades before them. Young people from earlier years were quite different from today's 20-30 year olds.

Just one example, in the year 1970, 21 percent of people age 25 were not married, and in 2005 it was 60 percent. Could this be do to technology, economic and social stress factors, narcissism, lack of communication with parents or a combination of these factors.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Resveratrol in Red Grapes: Health Benefits and Anti-Aging

According to a recent study by Husam Ghanim, PhD, of the University of Buffalo, the plant extract resveratrol, found in the skin of red grapes, reduces inflammation in humans. Inflammation is often a precursor to heart disease, stroke, heart attack, and type 2 diabetes. In roundworms, fruit flies, and yeast, resveratrol has actually reduced the rate of aging. 

Other foods containing resveratrol include: wine, peanuts, blueberries, and cranberries.

Check out resveratrol here:

BeverageTotal resveratrol (mg/L)[137][138]Total resveratrol (mg/150mL)[137][138]
Red wine (global)1.98 - 7.130.30 - 1.07
Red wine (Spanish)1.92 - 12.590.29 - 1.89
Red grape juice (Spanish)1.14 - 8.690.17 - 1.30
Rose wine (Spanish)0.43 - 3.520.06 - 0.53
Pinot noir0.40 - 2.00.06 - 0.30
White wine (Spanish)0.05 - 1.800.01 - 0.27

Are some anti-aging creams actually exacerbating the formation of wrinkles?

Even despite the recession, Americans aren't cutting back on anti-aging skin care, spending over $1.5 billion each year.

However, what many American's aren't aware of is that some of these "anti-aging" creams can actually work in reverse!

Fragrance, PABA, parabens, propylene glycol, ethylene glycol, artificial dyes, formaldehyde-based preservatives, mineral oil, TEA and DEA are harmful ingredients found in thousands of skin care and beauty products. These ingredients can ACCELERATE the aging process by drying and irritating the skin, so beware!

Instead try natural products, like Argan oil which protects cells from oxidation which causes premature aging. Argan oil also promotes tissue repair, combats inflammation, and protects from the sun.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Many commentators think Hillary Clinton will run for President in 2012.  What do you think?

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Professional football has evolved sadly from a game of tackle to a hard impact sport resulting in debilitation, depression, dementia and in many cases an incurable disease called chronic traumatic encephalopathy.
Changes are needed in the rules and equipment to reduce these injuries on current and future football players.

Friday, April 15, 2011


The recession prompted many young adults to continue living or move back with their parents, but the trend started earlier because of cultural changes-the 20s are really a further maturing of adolescence, and parents who help and guide their children are providing a support level for them to eventually become self-sufficient and emotionally more secure.  Living with parents as an adult is not something new. In the 19th Century and much of the 20th Century it was common for adult children to stay with their parents, and this phenomenon has returned.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Mexican drug cartels use Central America, viz., Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador for arms trafficking
and money laundering, as well as a transit corridor for drugs coming from Colombia to the US and a hideout for Mexican capos.


What does victory mean in Lybia? When America's role ends in Lybia, will Gadhafi still be in power? Enforcing the no-fly zone and bombing Gadhafi's tanks looks like the start of a war. The US would like regime change in Lybia. The people must win their own democratic freedom. NATO must maintain the no-fly zone (mostly British and French) for the short term. If a civil war ensues, will American boots on the ground be needed to oust Gadhafi, and when he does finally leave, will they be committed for a long stay?

Friday, March 25, 2011


High gas prices at the pump attributable in large part to Japan's nuclear crisis, violence in the Middle East, and the conflict in oil-rich Libya should be a spur for US energy independence. Drilling for oil which will help in the long term and increasing the use of natural gas, the development of hybrid vehicles, and battery powered cars, clean coal, nuclear power with the usual heavy oversight, solar power and other renewable energy sources will no doubt help. The Administration should ease drilling moratoriums, reinstate tax incentives for energy exploration and reduce anti-drilling regulatory policies. Drilling in an area north of the Arctic Circle for oil and natural gas could result in the next Prudhoe Bay, which would produce jobs, wages and revenues on a large scale.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


In light of the Japanese nuclear crisis, would it be prudent in the future not to build nuclear reactors so close to large America cities as is the case with the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant just 35 miles north of New York City?


Subsequent to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, the U.S. wanted to be certain that its nuclear reactors could withstand attacks, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. The 104 nuclear reactors in the U.S. have backup systems to the backup to guarantee that a loss of power would not interfere with the cooling of the spent fuel pools. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will also review how and where spent-fuel from the nuclear reactors is and will be stored.


The teaching profession is critical to our public schools, and excellence based on merit gauged by student progress should be rewarded, and poor performers regardless of seniority should be eliminated.


Will the nuclear crisis in Japan revive the concept of having a nuclear repository at Yucca mountain in Nevada for the spent fuel rods from the 104 nuclear power plants in the U.S.?

Monday, March 21, 2011




Will "Romney Care" in Massachusetts kill front-runner Mitt Romney's chance for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2012?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Is technology and the use of computers to perform research reducing the need for highly educated workers?


Will it take a "no-fly zone" over Libya and destruction of Libya's air defenses to overthrow Gadhafi?


Would it be wise to allow guns on campus for professors and others over 21? Would this insure that universities will be more secure or would this exacerbate the problem?


Across the country, cash buyers accounted for 28 percent of all home sales in 2010 with much higher figures for Southern Nevada, Miami-Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and Phoenix, Arizona. Contributing to this trend are tight lending standards, bargain prices, and well funded foreign and domestic buyers who believe home prices are undervalued. Many of these investors are renting out the homes.


More than one-third of Americans regularly sleep less than seven hours a night affecting their ability to concentrate, according to the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention.


Fewer teens and young adults are engaging in sexual activity according to a government survey due to a more cautious attitude, the possibility of sexually transmitted diseases, voluntary abstinence, and no time or desire because of a busy schedule.

Friday, March 4, 2011


American Indian gaming revenues are higher than Macau and more than double Nevada, including Las Vegas.

Public Sector Employees

Should public sector employees have collective bargaining rights?


In the US, for more than 25 years, spending for education has increased while student performance has not materially improved. Excellent teaching is required for student achievement. The trick is to research and find out what makes for excellent teaching and then to reward and promote it. Are automatic teacher salary increases based on seniority, additional pay for advanced degrees, and reduced class size contributing to advances in student achievement?

Charlie Sheen

Should we laugh at, pity, or pray for Charlie Sheen?


Women have come a long way and long overdue from "Number please" in the thirties to "The meeting will come to order" in today's corporate boardrooms.


Should the US take military action against the Somali pirates?

Monday, February 28, 2011

And The Oscar Went To...

MELISSA LEO we are so happy for you. You were fabulous in "The House Is Burning"  with Julianne Michelle also. I told you you would win this OSCAR. A couple of our friends did not win; however, they were nominated, just as good...almost!     Fantastic, Melissa, fantastic. 
 Congrats to all the winners!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Great Dilemma Facing the US and the Various States in 2012

The great dilemma facing the United States and the various states in 2012: The democratic elections, budget deficit, increased taxes, spending cuts, collective bargaining disputes, pensions, street protests, work stoppages, strikes and general turmoil.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Suggested Book of the Month: I Didn't Bargain for This! MITZI PERDUE

Mitzi Perdue enchants readers with her new autobiography "I Didn't Bargain for This!",  revealing her life of adventure as an heiress, socialite, author, artist, and philanthropist. As the daughter of Ernest Henderson, co-founder of the Sheraton Hotel chain, and the widow of Frank Perdue of Perdue Farms Chicken Company, Mitzi Perdue has led a most fascinating life, not just one of privileged frivolity, but one of abundant contribution to society in education, politics, and the arts. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011


What do you think about pilot fatigue and airline pilot crash pads?  Is flying, especially regional, risky?


Is Europe doomed to extinction because of the effects of multiculturalism, where ethnic minorities are encouraged to maintain their traditions, and the lack of integration into the overall culture of the country?
Almost 10,000 infants and toddlers are hurt in crib and playpen accidents each year; most injuries were from falls by toddlers between ages 1 and 2, old enough to try to climb out of a crib or playpen.

Smaller Government

Would term limits requiring passage of a constitutional amendment by a two-thirds majority of congress reduce spending and the size of government since newly elected and recently elected members of congress tend to vote for fiscal restraint?

In Certain Cities Where Women Far Outnumber Men Some "Men" are Taking Advantage of Women

If you know a man over age 21 who does not know how to treat a woman, and you believe he is either a fool or extremely selfish, please let us know. The irresponsible, self-centered man seems to be a growing problem in certain areas of the US. We would enjoy hearing your story and comments. Should we give special attention to moms with sons?

 If your guy is a true gentleman, who knows how to love a woman more than he loves himself, tell us about him!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tiger Woods

At age 35 with his marriage ended, following extramarital affairs, can Tiger Woods once again ascend to the role of No.1 golfer in the world?

Friday, February 11, 2011

What is the Muslim Brotherhood and Where Does America Stand?

Will The Muslim Brotherhood make Egypt another Iran?

 Director of National Intelligence James Clapper assures us that there is nothing to worry about if The Muslim Brotherhood takes over rule in Egypt and claims that the organization is largely secular, has denounced Al Qaeda, and rejects violence.  

Interestingly enough, The BBC News Middle East section now removed its flattering profile of the organization which described it as non-violent and pro-democratic. 

What do you think? Should we take our government's word for it or should we be concerned? 

The Di Palma Forum takes a non-partisan stance on all issues and does not support any agenda. We just strive to deliver the facts from reputable news sources and elicit discussion. 


Joy Di Palma showing us some fab moves to improve your body and spirit!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011



First Lady, Michelle Obama, is trying to force restaurants to reduce portions. Voices from both sides of the aisle are upset about this. Does she have the right to do this and would it benefit anyone other than the restaurants who can skimp on food and charge the same prices?

Andrea Mitchell on Meet the Press this week said Republicans are trying to take advantage of Ronald Reagan on his 100th Birthday to push conservative politics.

Too old to drive?- Should their be an age limit on driving? An 83 year old man was driving a pickup truck the wrong way going 90mph on the interstate 5 freeway in Southern California. He crashed into a steel barrier and caused a five car pile up. Miraculously no one was hurt! 

Thank you UNLV

We thank everyone at UNLV for their dedication and professionalism. UNLV has an exquisite campus, offering vast resources and opportunity for its students. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Las Vegas is a major hub for the sexual trafficking of children in the US where more than 400 prostituted children were identified on the streets during a single month in 2007.

Infrastructure: a sound investment? 
$400 billion is available for investment from all over the world. Private entities from around the world could build roads and bridges in the US and earn profits on their investments by charging fees to users in the form of tolls. The infrastructure that delivers water to the nation's cities is aging and in need of repair. Utilities will need to invest more than $300 billion over the next 2 decades on repairs and improvement to drinking water systems. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Social Media

As discussed on our show, social media has pervaded the political apparatus around the world. President Obama galvanized an effective campaign employing the use of twitter, facebook, and text messaging to mobilize supporters. Now we see it as an everyday part of foreign policy and political strategy.  Civilians in Egypt organized with the help of twitter and facebook to revolt against Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's authoritarian regime. The US government has been urging protesters via tweets to demonstrate peacefully. The use of social media to spread peace and democracy around the world is a positive effect of America's technological innovations.  Unfortunately there is always a flip side when it's used to disseminate hate and promote violence, which leads us to the conflict in Egypt. Which is worse:  Mubarak or the Islamist opposition group? Many fear that if the Islamist opposition group took over rule in Egypt, our only ally near Israel, our counter-terrorism efforts in that region would be threatened.
The Di Palma Forum features elements for everyone, from our eclectic celebrity panel representing both sides of the spectrum to our spotlight one-on-one interview, from our fitness and health segment to our rebel rock musical guest performance, and Berrebi on the go, our show is designed to inform and entertain- no doubt about that.

set photographer: Steve Berrebi

Monday, January 31, 2011


I was delighted to interview one of the world's favorite and most accomplished TV news journalists and authors (her latest book, Quiet Hero: Secrets From My Father's Past), three-time Emmy winner, Rita Cosby, who shared with me secrets from her past, her exciting life, adventures in foreign lands, and her encounters with some of the world's most conflicted and fascinating people from notorious serial killers and poltical dictators to everyday heroes. I could listen to Rita and her stories for days and days! What an incredibly fascinating woman! She also has a beautiful heart which embraces and warms all within reach- there is not one affected bone in her body. We had such a great time. In fact so much, that Rita agreed to come back for a second interview!